Student Teaching SPRING Semester Scholarship

Required Qualifications:

  • Pursuing a degree in the Teacher Education Program K-12;
  • Have secured a student teaching position and will be doing their student teaching for the Spring semester.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you plan to do your student teaching for the upcoming SPRING semester?
  2. As you envision your teaching career, what are your top three (3) goals for yourself as a professional?
  3. Rural Student Teaching - The following two questions are only required if you plan to do your student teaching in a rural Montana school.
    • What role do schools in rural Montana play in their communities?
    • Why are you interested in education in rural Montana communities?
  4. How would a student teaching scholarship assist you in achieving your goals?
  5. Do you grant permission to release your information in a press release if selected for a student teaching scholarship?