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Welcome to Cat Scholarships, MSU’s Online Scholarship Application System!

Below you will find a list of scholarships available to MSU Students.

  • Use the Application Process below to apply for scholarships awarded by colleges, departments and the Office of Financial Aid Services.
  • Incoming students are also encouraged to apply for scholarships awarded by the Office of Admissions. Click here for more information.

Application Process:

  • To access the General Application, click “Sign in” and use your NetID to login.
  • After you have completed your General Application, the system will automatically match you to all scholarships you are eligible for based on the information you provided.
  • The system may request that you supply additional information or recommend scholarship opportunities that you may be eligible for, however additional steps must be taken to be considered for those awards.
  • Some scholarships require the applicant to demonstrate financial need; in order to be considered for those awards a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) must be submitted.

Important Dates:

  • November 1: Cat Scholarship system opens to accept applications.
  • February 1: MSU FAFSA priority deadline.
  • February 1: Priority application deadline for most scholarships in the Cat Scholarship system. Please refer to individual scholarships for the appropriate deadline.

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Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies Computer Science Scholarship Endowment
Required Qualification: Pursuing a degree from the Gianforte School of...
Varies Figure Technologies Scholarship
Required Qualifications: Pursuing a degree from the Gianforte School...
Varies Figure Technologies Scholarship
Required Qualifications: Pursuing a degree from the Gianforte School...
Varies Hambly Women in Computer Science Scholarship
Required Qualification: Pursuing a degree from the Gianforte School of...
Varies Jared Bratsky Memorial Scholarship
Required Qualifications: Pursuing a degree from the Gianforte School...
Varies John and Mary Ellen Barr Computer Science Scholarship
Required Qualifications: Pursuing a degree from the Gianforte School...
Varies Lee Woodriff Computer Science Scholarship
Required Qualifications: Pursuing a degree from the Gianforte School...
Varies Ressmeyer Scholarship for Computer Science Advancement
Required Qualifications: Pursuing a degree from the Gianforte School...
Varies Sonderegger Undergraduate Support Scholarship
Required Qualifications: Pursuing a degree from the Gianforte School...
Varies WolfSSL Computer Science Scholarship
Required Qualification: Pursuing a degree from the Gianforte School of...
Varies Zoot Enterprises Scholarship Endowment
Required Qualifications: Pursuing a degree from the Gianforte School...